The world is moving very quickly and your organization needs the training in order to accelerate along with it.
VPI’s VIRTUAL Trainings. We Get It!
- Making the Most of Your Strengths
- Work with Me! Increasing Communication Across Generations
- Growth Mindset for Managers
- Growth Mindset for All Employees
- Getting It Done!
- Maintaining Momentum & Increasing Resiliency
- Listening to Enhance Communication
- Psychological Safety and the Fear-less Team
- Maximizing Millennials
- Getting Remote Feedback Right
- Strength-Based Leadership
- Emotional Intelligence 101
- Leading With Compassion
- Are You Prepared for the Generation Leadership Shift? Understanding Tomorrow’s Leadership Landscape Today
- Sharpen Those Strategic Thinking Skills
- DiSC
- A Manager/Supervisor’s Role in Employee Motivation & Recognition
- Making the Most of Your Team
- Leadership Point of View
- Giving and Receiving Feedback
- Solve It
- Difficult Conversations
- Leading and Navigating Healthy Change

About VPI’s VIRTUAL Trainings
VPI’s Virtual Trainings begin with data-driven, level-setting awareness. Clients choose from a number of different skill-building topics that will help improve communication, build marketing strategies, increase team performance, promote innovation and creativity, and retain top performers.
Training sessions are based on specific problems that you are facing with your workforce, and can be tailored to meet your specific needs. They use the latest research in combination with real world examples to help you improve the overall productivity of your workforce by eliminating unnecessary conflict and misunderstanding.
Specifically for our generational workshops, we ask: are younger workers really different in their values, attitudes, motivations, work styles and decision-making processes than older workers? Or are they just different because they are younger? Are you seeing issues within your work place due to different attitudes from different age groups? Research shows that each generation is shaped by the historical and social events they experience in the formative years between ages 5 and 18. These experiences influence attitudes towards authority, loyalty, communication, feedback and recognition, and work ethic. At the same time, workers also share many attitudes across generational cohorts. Understanding both these differences and similarities, and which factors really influence employee motivation, retention, and engagement are critical to building a successful workforce.
1-Topic Virtual Training Package:
- Virtual Trainings are live (not pre-recorded), including interactive polling, opportunity to ask the trainer questions, and get live feedback.
- Includes virtual training production.
- A crusader masked as a management consultant, Sherri Petro has stories, statistics, and style that drive the content home. She is an edu-tainer.
- 2o-minute discovery conversation prior to training will be scheduled to help us understand your organization and learn the value you seek.
- Each training is between 2 – 2.5 hours and is scheduled upon what you know works best for your employees.
- Where appropriate, materials will be softcopy delivered ahead of time to you to share with participants.
4-Topic Virtual Training Package:
- Everything included in the 1-Topic Virtual Training.
- You select the 4 Virtual Training topics that will benefit your organization the most.
- In order to ensure there is continuity and momentum for your organization, we encourage that you use all 4 Virtual Trainings within one year of enrollment.
- You decide when to schedule your 4 Virtual Trainings.
- 4-Topic Virtual Training Package pricing is per participant with group discounts available.
Contact us for a free discovery consultation if virtual trainings are right for your organization.
VIRTUAL TRAINING Participant comments...
“Great webcast! I can’t wait to share what I learned with others.”
– Rebecca Beck, Fayetteville, North Carolina
“This is one of the best webinars I’ve heard. Thank you!”
– Kayla Woodberry, Norman, Oklahoma
“Excellent presenter: voice, manner, information, and slides, etc.”
– Sue Waldrop, Powder Springs, Georgia
“Excellent speaker!!!! I really enjoyed Sherri’s webinar because her enthusiasm for the topic was really evident.”
– Donna Heatherington, Greenville, South Carolina
“I have attended sessions on this subject but it has been such a long time ago. This was refreshing to hear again as things change.”
– Itaski Jenkins, Trident Technical College
“I have participated in many webinars on this and similar topics and I found this to be very worthwhile! Thank you!”
– Kathy Mitchell, GPHR, Vice President of Support Services,
Council Business Solutions
“One of the best webinars I have done in years……exceeded my expectations.”
– Deborah, Prince William County, Virgina
“Amazing webinar! I am so glad that this webinar will be available for reference. Great book recommendations!”
– Kelly Vaden, Catholic Charities of Shreveport
“Very informative webinar!”
– Michelle Bowers, Sugar Grove, North Carolina
“This was a fantastic webinar. It was thorough and relevant. I will definitely be sharing this information with the other library staff. I look forward to other (webinars) like it.”
– Katie, Virgina